New Loan Terms Deadline | §5


5.1. New Loan Application. If Buyer is to pay all or part of the Purchase Price by obtaining one or more new loans (New 209 Loan), or if an existing loan is not to be released at Closing, Buyer, if required by such lender, must make an application verifiable 210 by such lender, on or before New Loan Application Deadline and exercise reasonable efforts to obtain such loan or approval.

5.2. New Loan Terms; New Loan Availability.

5.2.1. New Loan Terms. If Buyer is to pay all or part of the Purchase Price with a New Loan, this Contract is conditional upon Buyer determining, in Buyer’s sole subjective discretion, whether the proposed New Loan’s payments, interest rate, conditions and costs or any other loan terms (New Loan Terms) are satisfactory to Buyer. This condition is for the sole benefit of Buyer. Buyer has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before New Loan Terms Deadline, if the New Loan Terms are not satisfactory to Buyer, in Buyer’s sole subjective discretion.

5.2.2. New Loan Availability. If Buyer is to pay all or part of the Purchase Price with a New Loan, this Contract is conditional upon Buyer’s satisfaction with the availability of the New Loan based on the lender’s review and underwriting of Buyer’s New Loan Application (New Loan Availability). Buyer has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before the New Loan Availability Deadline if the New Loan Availability is not satisfactory to Buyer. Buyer does not have a Right to Terminate based on the New Loan Availability if the termination is based on the New Loan Terms, Appraised Value (defined below), the Lender Property Requirements (defined below), Insurability (§ 10.5. below) or the Conditional Upon Sale of Property (§ 10.7. below). IF SELLER IS NOT IN DEFAULT AND DOES NOT TIMELY RECEIVE BUYER’S WRITTEN NOTICE TO TERMINATE, BUYER’S EARNEST MONEY WILL BE NONREFUNDABLE, except as otherwise provided in this Contract (e.g., Appraisal, Title, Survey).

5.3. Credit Information. If an existing loan is not to be released at Closing, this Contract is conditional (for the sole benefit of Seller) upon Seller’s approval of Buyer’s financial ability and creditworthiness, which approval will be in Seller’s sole subjective discretion. Accordingly: (1) Buyer must supply to Seller by Buyer’s Credit Information Deadline, at Buyer’s expense, information and documents (including a current credit report) concerning Buyer’s financial, employment and credit condition; (2) Buyer consents that Seller may verify Buyer’s financial ability and creditworthiness; and (3) any such information and documents received by Seller must be held by Seller in confidence and not released to others except to protect Seller’s interest in this transaction. If the Cash at Closing is less than as set forth in § 4.1. of this Contract, Seller has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before Closing. If Seller disapproves of Buyer’s financial ability or creditworthiness, in Seller’s sole subjective discretion, Seller has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before Disapproval of Buyer’s Credit Information Deadline.

5.4. Existing Loan Review. If an existing loan is not to be released at Closing, Seller must deliver copies of the loan documents (including note, deed of trust and any modifications) to Buyer by Existing Loan Deadline. For the sole benefit of Buyer, this Contract is conditional upon Buyer’s review and approval of the provisions of such loan documents. Buyer has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before Existing Loan Termination Deadline, based on any unsatisfactory provision of such loan documents, in Buyer’s sole subjective discretion. If the lender’s approval of a transfer of the Property is required, this Contract is conditional upon Buyer obtaining such approval without change in the terms of such loan, except as set forth in § 4.6. If lender’s approval is not obtained by Loan Transfer Approval Deadline, this Contract will terminate on such deadline. Seller has the Right to Terminate under § 24.1., on or before Closing, in Seller’s sole subjective discretion, if Seller is to be released from liability under such existing loan and Buyer does not obtain such compliance as set forth in § 4.6.

Review your contract for specific terms and conditions. Note that modification or deletions to this section of your agreement may apply, and you should consult with your real estate agent for any questions you have. 

Updated 1/1/2022